ESM 263 Geographic Information Systems

Assignment 2 - Sea level rise in Santa Barbara

Due at Fri 2023-02-10 23:59




  1. Work through tutorials.
  2. Perform a geospatial analysis using QGIS, and produce results data.
  3. Design a map to communicate your results.
  4. Submit your work to course website.


This assignment is worth 20 points: 10 points for your map and 10 points for your data, awarded according to the evaluation rubric. Your map must present your results accurately and clearly, and adhere to cartographic design principles. Your data must use correct units, data types, and file format.


In this homework, we’ll analyze some potential impacts of sea-level rise in the city of Santa Barbara, ranging from likely (~0.5 m) to catastrophic (~4 m; e.g., a continental ice sheet collapse). To reduce computational requirements, we’ve restricted our region of interest (ROI) to the downtown Santa Barbara area.

Your assignment is to estimate the cumulative impact of nine scenarios of sea level rise: 0 m, 0.5 m, 1.0 m, … , 4 m increases in mean sea level. You will compute three metrics for each sea level rise scenario, as shown in Table 1.

sea level rise
area flooded
flooded property losses
0 ? ? ?
0.5 ? ? ?
1.0 ? ? ?
1.5 ? ? ?
2.0 ? ? ?
2.5 ? ? ?
3.0 ? ? ?
3.5 ? ? ?
4.0 ? ? ?

Table 1: Results template

Again, the values of A, P, and L are cumulative: they apply to all areas affected by a corresponding amount of sea level rise (e.g., the values for a sea level rise of n meters should represent the total impact of a sea level rise from 0 to n meters.)

NOTE: The 0 m scenario will still show a few low-lying properties as flooded, so you must include it in your analysis.

Available data

The data you need are in HW2.gpkg (in The following layers are provided:

All data are in the NAD 83 / California Albers projection (EPSG:3310).

Task 1 (optional): Tutorials

Work through Lab 8: Spatial Selection of the Bolstad book.

NOTE: The Lab 8 instructs you to edit a table stored in a .csv file. Don’t do this—editing .csv tables in QGIS is buggy. Instead, export the table into a geopackage, remove the .csv from your map, then add and edit the geopackage version.

Task 2: Geospatial analysis and results data


Download and extract the contents into your ESM263 folder.

Create a new map in QGIS called HW2.qgz and add all the layers ROI, parcels, and SLR_scenarios.

Read the metadata in ParcelMetadata.pdf. There are several property value attributes. We will use NET_AV: the net assessed value (in USD) for the parcel.

Spatial join

You’ll perform a spatial join of the parcels and the SLR_scenarios layers. Use the Join attributes by location (summary) tool.

NOTE: There is also a Join attributes by location tool. Make sure to use the one whose name ends with “(summary)

A tip to help you select the correct input and join layers: The input layer is the one that will be modified with new attributes in the spatial join. Since we want the sum of the parcel values and the count of the parcels to be added to the inundation scenarios, it will be the input layer.

Figure 3: Spatial Join

Figure 3: Spatial Join

Rename the newly created (temporary) layer to results and save it into a new geopackage.

Calculate flooded area

If you did everything correctly, the results layer’s attribute table contains the correct values of the count of the inundated parcels and their total assessed value. However, you’re missing the flooded area. Use the field calculator to create a new field flooded_area (don’t just call it area; that will cause errors when you try to save the layer to a geopackage.)

Figure 4: Use field calculator

Figure 4: Use field calculator to calculate the area

Calculate cumulative values

You now have the following attributes for each 0.5 increment of sea level rise represented by the features in SLR_scenarios:

However, you will recall that what you really want are cumulative values—e.g., to get the total number of parcels flooded by n meters of sea level rise, you’ll need to sum up the number of parcels flooded by all sea level rise increment less than or equal to n.

Sounds like a job for Excel, right? Well, it turns out that it’s not too difficult (if not exactly obvious how) to do this in QGIS. Just like we calculated the flooded area using a Field Calculator expression, we can use a slightly more complicated one to do the cumulative sums—here it is so you can copy-n-paste it:

    sum(flooded_area, filter := SLR_m <= @SLR_m)

Change flooded_area to NET_AV_count or NET_AV_sum to calculate the cumulative values for those columns. (Remember to convert NET_AV_sum to $millions).

Name the new columns A, P, and L (of course…).

Task 3: Map results

Design a map that communicates your results, including a table with the relevant fields of the attribute table of your results layer. Consider these questions:

Task 4: Turn in your work

  1. Export your map as a PDF document to HW2.pdf using the same settings as in Assignment 1.
  2. Export your results layer’s attribute table to a CSV file named HW2.csv. Make sure that the CSV file only has the 4 fields SLR_m, A, P, and L.
  3. Rename your files to include your full name, and use correct capitalization with no spaces or punctuation; e.g., HW2MortimerSnerd, NOT HW2-mortimer-snerd or hw2mortimersnerd:
    • HW2.pdf to HW2FirstLastName.pdf
    • HW2.csv to HW2FirstLastName.csv
  4. Verify that your PDF document displays correctly, and that your CSV file is readable by QGIS (and/or Excel) and has the correct field names and data types.
  5. Upload your PDF and CSV files to the Assignment 2 link on Canvas.