Grading criteria
Our assignments are progressively more difficult. We will ask you to submit more materials with each assignment, and work with increasingly sophisticated analytic methods. For each assignment, we will require you to submit one or more of three components:
- a map
- the data resulting from your analysis
- the model(s) implementing your analysis.
The following table shows how we assign points per assignment per component, and how we distribute the points for your final grade. The maximum final grade is 50 points.
component |
HW1 |
HW2 |
HW3 |
HW4 |
Total |
Map |
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
40 |
Data |
10 |
10 |
10 |
30 |
Model |
10 |
20 |
30 |
Total |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
100 |
When we grade your assignments, we evaluate them based on the criteria listed below, and in comparison with the work of your peers.
NOTE: In each assignment we give specific instructions as to how the files you upload should be named and formatted. Failure to follow these instructions will cause so many bad things to happen that it pains us just to think about it. Losing points will be the least of your worries. Ye be warned…
- Did you communicate the most important aspects of your results?
- Did you use appropriate map elements (insets, scale bars, etc.)?
- Does your symbology present your results clearly and accurately?
- Do you provide sufficient context and/or labels for the reader?
- Do you describe your data clearly in the title and legend?
- Do you correctly credit your data sources and map design?
- Is the information on your map self-consistent?
- Did you submit your map file(s) as instructed?
- Is your file format correct?
- Do your variables have the correct names and units?
- Are your data accurate, and reported with appropriate precisions?
- For structured data, are your data types appropriate?
- If required, did you provide metadata accurately and clearly?
- Did you submit your data file(s) as instructed?
- Does your model produce accurate results?
- Did you use the appropriate tools in your model?
- Are all the processes and data clearly labeled?
- Did you organize the flow layout of your model clearly?
- If required, did you provide metadata accurately and clearly?
- Did you submit your model file(s) as instructed?