ESM 263 Geographic Information Systems


ESM 263 is a one-quarter introduction to geographic information systems (GIS). The course is intended for MESM students who need to acquire a working knowledge of GIS theory and practice in a single quarter.


Instructor: Niklas Griessbaum

Office hours:

TA: Sean Reid

Office hours:

Sean Reid Info

When & Where

Session Day Time Room
lecture Mon 15:30 to 16:45 BH 1414
lab 1 Tue 12:00 to 13:50 BH 3035
lab 2 Wed 15:30 to 17:20 BH 3035


We are teaching ESM 263 using QGIS, a free, open-source GIS application. QGIS runs pretty much identically on macOS and Windows, and is far less resource-intensive than ArcGIS.

QGIS has a fairly rapid development cycle—a new version will almost certainly appear while the course is in progress. To keep things sane, you might wish to stick with version 3.22.13 (Białowieża)

QGIS is installed on all of the “student” computers at Bren, so you can do all of your coursework on a Bren computer if you like. However, it’s quite nice to able to do GIS-y stuff whenever the spirit moves you, so we encourage you to install QGIS on your own computer—see the Week 1 lab instructions for details.

More about QGIS at:

Online resources



week dates topics
1 2023-01-09 to 2023-01-13 Introduction to GIS & cartography
2 2023-01-16 to 2023-01-20 Coordinate systems and map projections
3 2023-01-23 to 2023-01-27 Vector data
4 2023-01-30 to 2023-02-03 Tabular data
5 2023-02-06 to 2023-02-10 Raster data
6 2023-02-13 to 2023-02-17 GIS models
7 2023-02-20 to 2023-02-24 Terrain and watershed analysis
8 2023-02-27 to 2023-03-03 GIS data: sources and capture
9 2023-03-06 to 2023-03-10 Programming GIS 1/2
10 2023-03-13 to 2023-03-17 Programming GIS 2/2


due assignment feedback
Fri 2023-01-20 Cartography TA
Fri 2023-02-10 Sea level rise TA
Fri 2023-03-03 Site suitability for wind power  
Fri 2023-03-24 Multicriteria analysis for conservation